Year Theme explained

I have used this system of a Year Theme since 2017. It has helped me with my personal growth and becoming a better human. I’m sharing this knowledge so you can make positive changes as well to your life.

As a background: I learned the basic theory during my participation of a personal development course (more here) and expanded on it with other theories and tools over the years. If usable I will source these tools and theory.

You might be wondering: “why use a Year Theme. My New Year’s Resolution works fine!”

If your yearly Resolution works then I am happy for you. Though it might be that your Resolution is not a Resolution but more of a Theme. To put it in one sentence: A Resolution is (often) too specific and narrows your options while a Theme does not.

That’s why I think that a New Year’s Resolution doesn’t work. It usually is only relevant for a couple of weeks. After which your “normal life” takes over and you step back into old habits because (1:) your Resolution is too specific and (2:) changing behaviour takes a lot of time. According to studies done it takes on average 66 days.

In my experience this is like singing an I want song. Fun while it lasts, but mostly forgettable. This is because your (current) life is a sum of many moving parts. A network which constantly interacts with different elements to work towards an outcome. which makes it a Complex System. Complex Systems theory is an optional read to gain insight into how your life might be influenced by elements you aren’t even aware of. But even when you look at your life as a system: Input=output. If the needed input on your Resolution is too high of a bar to do whilst living your life the output will be 0. But if you set an intention, give yourself permission to work on an element of your life for an extended period of time; it will show results.

To paraphrase Jay Shetty from this podcast: “The energy you put in the year is what you’re going to receive back.”

Formulation of a Year Theme

Like mentioned above a Year Theme is positively formulated and usually a little vague. This vagueness comes in the form of its formulation. So instead of Resolution “I want to lose 20kg” or “I want to be more healthy” you have the Theme “Year of Health” or “Joyful Movement”. The difference is that the Theme is not an I want song, it’s a book you write yourself. It helps you cultivate yourself, allowing you to learn more about yourself over the years and becoming a better human being.

A Year Theme is deliberately vague. This is to help empower you. Make your decisions easier in the moment you need to make them. As an example, the user of “Joyful Movement” Theme can go to a dance club, do Tai Chi or go out for frequent walks. Anything that makes you more joyful is allowed. And if a friend asks you to join at the Fast Food place and you find you cannot say no, take note of that but bend it into a reward. Make you feel like the Fast Food is something you earned by walking or taking your bike to the restaurant. Incorporate movement in your lifestyle, whatever it may be. Mosty important here is your mindset: Do not consider the above example as cheating, but as a form of compensation to make incremental improvements.

To better understand working with a Theme, it’s best to create one and try it. For a month, season or a year. And the best part: if it doesn’t work, change it. Life can bring new challenges every day. The important part is trying and know you cannot fail!

While the context of the speech is different, the above quote is very on point for taking responsibility for your life. Which is what you are doing by starting on a Year Theme journey. I cannot guarentee any outcome, but if you follow below steps and stick with it, I’m sure you will notice positive change.

Question 6: Did I spend enough time and gave enough attention to the people that are the most important in my life?

If you feel your answers are too vague or you’re not getting closer to the problem you want to put on paper try the 5 whys method.

  1. formulate it into a short sentence or a word that encapsulates your desire
  2. it’s positively formulated so the focus of the Theme is on a better situation

Congratulations! You’ve just formulated a Year Theme.

I encourage you to keep track of what you’re doing (and why). You can use journaling or vlogging to actively work on your Year Theme. If you need help I recommend you check out I haven’t personally used the system on display, but I recognise that it makes a Year Theme easier and helps to track progress in a simple way.

To close:

Thank you for reading!

I made this page separate and easily available on my website because it’s easier to refer to and expand upon. This page was updated in January 2025 to add new info and improve upon the existing text. Because I want to keep learning and make everything here understandable.

I firmly believe that everyone can make changes to their life. This is the way I’ve been able to make incremental progress and I hope it helps you too.

Should you have more questions don’t hesitate to contact me via my contact page or via the socials.