New Years Dive 2025

Happy 2025 everyone. Hope you were all able to spend the holidays with your loved ones and have a good time.

As is tradition, January is my New Years blog. I go over the past year and look forward to the new one using the concept of Year Theme as guidance. If you are new or want a refresher: all the explanations and info I’ve collected on working with a Year Theme can be found on this page. Note that each year I review the information on that page to make sure I can add my newest insights as well.

Before I jump into my new Theme for 2025 I’m going to look at last year.

What was 2024 like?

Last year was intense. I set my Theme for 2024 as Proclamation. My intention was to make it a performance year. To be more visible. And that happened. I will not go into details but due to personnel change and an overall increase in workload my visibility and value within the team grew. On the personal project side of things I published the short story The endless House in April and finished the 3rd draft of my book.

The high demand of work also had a downside. I didn’t finish things; and if I did, it took way longer than expected. While I have become smarter with planning and become more efficient in my time-management I still want to continue the (online) training I started to keep learning. For context: The ones I’m talking about are work related training which I refuse to do in my private time. As mentioned above, I wasn’t able to finish them because the workload was too high and decisions needed to be made. A valuable lesson here is to make those decisions. Another one is that a high performance environment requires that there’s enough distance between that and (in this case) private life. Because a person cannot perform all the time. Rest is required. And I noticed I needed more rest than usual last year.

So while I performed in 2024 and ticked 2 of the 3 result boxes mentioned in my 2024 New Years dive blog; I noticed that my health fundamentals were slipping in these high performance situations. Which increased my overall weariness.

Time to freshen up

These conclusions lead me to the new year. Traditionally, the Christmas period is one where things slow down and there is more space to think about the old and new year. For the creation of my new Year Theme I always do additional research. And the more research I’m doing, the more I learn about the cyclical nature of life. Jay Shetty has an interesting take on the kind of year the last year was and what kind of year you want the next year to be1.

This really cleared any doubts I had about 2025. While I was already gravitating towards a “slower” year, this theory really provided the fuel for the intention I have for 2025.

The kind of year question is, in a way, covered by the first question of Step 2 of my Year Theme guide. The question “What wasn’t the previous year about?” is a powerful one which can be very helpful when setting the intention for the new year. My answer now was that 2024 wasn’t about balance. The year lacked Balance between:
1 work; 
2. personal time with attention to mental & physical health; 
3. doing the stuff that generate energy. 

Between the three of these the focus was a lot on 1. Not just the work that pays my bills but also the volunteering kinds. As I mentioned earlier, decisions were made. Some conscious and some not. And I now find myself tired and wanting to work more on strengthening my groundwork. That’s why I’ve chosen to have Foundations in 2025 as my Year Theme.

Doing groundwork

I’ve chosen 2025 to be a learning year. I want to spend time on doing groundwork. Work on the stuff which makes sure I can maintain a better balance when my next performance year comes around. Which will come, sooner or later.

Practically this means that: 

  • I want to keep learning; study to make sure I’m moving forward. I still have some books that I want to finish and courses to take. To improve my skills at work, learn more about human skills and to improve my writing skills.
  • Create healthy habits which increase my durability. Think meditation and some yoga or tai chi to improve my physique.
  • Lastly, I want to start with a plan for the coming years in terms of my writing development

Creating strong foundations is vital to build a great house. And I want to shape my life to be like the best house I can build. Because a strong house can wither any storm.


  1. Jay Shetty podcast: On purpose. Jay talks about steps for achieving your goals. Which align greatly with the information on my Theme page. But the most interesting parts are about the kind of year descriptions. Which are for some reason not fully fleshed out in both episodes. I will work to incorporate the info in my Theme page for the 2026 update; after i’ve had the chance to work with it for some time.
  • Podcast 2024: “The ONLY 7 Step Goal Setting Method You Need to Become Who You Want to Be in 2024.” Link here
  • Podcast 2025: “6 Step Blueprint to Achieve All Your Goals for 2025.” Link here