
New Years Dive 2025

Happy 2025 everyone. Hope you were all able to spend the holidays with your loved ones and have a good time.

As is tradition, January is my New Years blog. I go over the past year and look forward to the new one using the concept of Year Theme as guidance. If you are new or want a refresher: all the explanations and info I’ve collected on working with a Year Theme can be found on this page. Note that each year I review the information on that page to make sure I can add my newest insights as well.

Before I jump into my new Theme for 2025 I’m going to look at last year.

What was 2024 like?

Last year was intense. I set my Theme for 2024 as Proclamation. My intention was to make it a performance year. To be more visible. And that happened. I will not go into details but due to personnel change and an overall increase in workload my visibility and value within the team grew. On the personal project side of things I published the short story The endless House in April and finished the 3rd draft of my book.

The high demand of work also had a downside. I didn’t finish things; and if I did, it took way longer than expected. While I have become smarter with planning and become more efficient in my time-management I still want to continue the (online) training I started to keep learning. For context: The ones I’m talking about are work related training which I refuse to do in my private time. As mentioned above, I wasn’t able to finish them because the workload was too high and decisions needed to be made. A valuable lesson here is to make those decisions. Another one is that a high performance environment requires that there’s enough distance between that and (in this case) private life. Because a person cannot perform all the time. Rest is required. And I noticed I needed more rest than usual last year.

So while I performed in 2024 and ticked 2 of the 3 result boxes mentioned in my 2024 New Years dive blog; I noticed that my health fundamentals were slipping in these high performance situations. Which increased my overall weariness.

Time to freshen up

These conclusions lead me to the new year. Traditionally, the Christmas period is one where things slow down and there is more space to think about the old and new year. For the creation of my new Year Theme I always do additional research. And the more research I’m doing, the more I learn about the cyclical nature of life. Jay Shetty has an interesting take on the kind of year the last year was and what kind of year you want the next year to be1.

This really cleared any doubts I had about 2025. While I was already gravitating towards a “slower” year, this theory really provided the fuel for the intention I have for 2025.

The kind of year question is, in a way, covered by the first question of Step 2 of my Year Theme guide. The question “What wasn’t the previous year about?” is a powerful one which can be very helpful when setting the intention for the new year. My answer now was that 2024 wasn’t about balance. The year lacked Balance between:
1 work; 
2. personal time with attention to mental & physical health; 
3. doing the stuff that generate energy. 

Between the three of these the focus was a lot on 1. Not just the work that pays my bills but also the volunteering kinds. As I mentioned earlier, decisions were made. Some conscious and some not. And I now find myself tired and wanting to work more on strengthening my groundwork. That’s why I’ve chosen to have Foundations in 2025 as my Year Theme.

Doing groundwork

I’ve chosen 2025 to be a learning year. I want to spend time on doing groundwork. Work on the stuff which makes sure I can maintain a better balance when my next performance year comes around. Which will come, sooner or later.

Practically this means that: 

  • I want to keep learning; study to make sure I’m moving forward. I still have some books that I want to finish and courses to take. To improve my skills at work, learn more about human skills and to improve my writing skills.
  • Create healthy habits which increase my durability. Think meditation and some yoga or tai chi to improve my physique.
  • Lastly, I want to start with a plan for the coming years in terms of my writing development

Creating strong foundations is vital to build a great house. And I want to shape my life to be like the best house I can build. Because a strong house can wither any storm.


  1. Jay Shetty podcast: On purpose. Jay talks about steps for achieving your goals. Which align greatly with the information on my Theme page. But the most interesting parts are about the kind of year descriptions. Which are for some reason not fully fleshed out in both episodes. I will work to incorporate the info in my Theme page for the 2026 update; after i’ve had the chance to work with it for some time.
  • Podcast 2024: “The ONLY 7 Step Goal Setting Method You Need to Become Who You Want to Be in 2024.” Link here
  • Podcast 2025: “6 Step Blueprint to Achieve All Your Goals for 2025.” Link here

Connecting with Frieren

Sometimes a show just sticks. Even when there’s another interesting topic to research and questions to answer. This time, I planned to make a post about the Tomb Raider animated series. I had so many questions. The main one being how the same studio responsible for the Castlevania animation could produce and release a show this bad. But the more I searched for a good angle the more I disliked what I was doing. And there was another show pulling me back towards it. Because no matter how hard I try: I cannot get Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End out of my head. Which is something I did not expect since the anime passed me until recently. I even cannot remember exactly1 why I started watching the series2 . But regardless of what the reason was; the show stuck and I had to finish it… two times in a row.

Time is precious

As the above trailer points out, one of the underlying themes of the show is time. We all have limited time. Not just on a daily basis but there is also a finite amount that we actually are alive. A point Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (FBJE) uses to explore how a 10 year adventure in the party of heroes affected the life of a long lived elf3. Ten years is one one hundredth of her life. Yet that  one one hundredth affected Frieren as a character more than she initially thought. The memories we see of Frieren and her journey with Himmel, Eisen and Heiter make us realise how special the small moments were. Which we as an audience see as Frieren remembers the moment and retroactively learns to appreciate them. These moments, these connections that shaped and coloured the “ridiculous and fun” 10 year adventure.

It’s all connection

Humans thrive on connections and as an extension: relationships. Constantly we’re searching for something which establishes that, even for a moment. Which makes the perspective of Frieren as a long-lived elf much more valuable. During her interactions on her journey with Fern, Stark and Sein she realises how much more of a connection she had with Himmel the Hero. Himmel, who only seemed to complain when Frieren did something she would (probably) regret later4. But for the rest of the flashbacks he acted like an engaging, yet distant romantic. Knowing fully he would have only little influence on Frieren, he established that connection anyway. He wanted to make sure Frieren would not feel lonely after they were gone. Nor did he want her to be in a situation like an Old man Voll, who sadly could not remember his wife’s face for many years after she passed. At least, not until he connected with her memory fully after happily reminiscing with Frieren. Connections are important. Connections keep us alive.

“You should treasure the encounters you have. Death isn’t the only goodbye in this life. But I guess you already know that”

– Wirbel –
FBJE Episode 28

Contradictions in connections

Lastly, I want to discuss Serie [pronounced Zērie] and Stark. Serie, the other nigh-immortal elf mage we get to know a bit in FBJE. It’s very ironic that through her intention to control magic she creates an institution that not only limits the quality mages of the land, it also allows her to (potentially) train more students. Students she, per her own words, trains on a whim. Yet she remembers their personality and their favourite spell. And by becoming the head of the Continental Magic Association, she effectively fulfils her first student Flamme’s wish. A point not touched upon in season 1, but it shows how contradictory people can be. Even if they don’t see it themselves. For example: Serie has a garden made up of magical flowers; yet she finds it silly that it was Flamme’s favourite spell “because it’s not useful”.

People say 1 and do 2, sometimes even without noticing. On the other hand there is Stark. The young warrior who looks like he’s slacking or wandering doing nothing. But we eventually learn he’s helping other people off screen, making him a great support for the community. 

These contradictions are what make the characters in FBJE engaging; the connections interesting and it gives the show its appeal to a broad audience5. Based on the My Anime List ranking, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End connected with a lot of people in a positive way. Which is a very comforting thought given the show’s down to earth, slice of life fantasy story. It means (in my opinion) that a great deal of people want meaningful connections in their life. Be it with a piece of media or another person. Which brings me to one of, if not the most important quote of this show: “People won’t know how you feel unless you tell them.”

So I would like to encourage you to drop your phone and make connections. Because you never know if that small connection that lasted only a brief moment has an impact which lasts a lifetime.


  1. it is possible because of video recommendations of the Youtube channel Pey Talks Anime and their Exploring Frieren playlist
  2. Probably because I was curious. I was lucky enough to catch a few episodes for free on the Crunchyroll YT channel
  3. The series starts with the return of the party after they defeated the Demon King and all party members go their separate ways. FBJE is more a slice of life kind of show as it explores how the titular character spends her days in a new, peaceful era of the world.
  4. See episode 4
  5. As of writing it sits comfortably at a 9.32/10 and hold rank#1 on My Anime List

Is nostalgia the enemy of the modern consumer?

During the months of July & August I spent some time playing World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria Remix. Basically, it replicated the 2012 expansion of the MMORPG but as a limited in-game event. It provided exactly the experience I expected. When I put some time in World of Warcraft (WoW) nowadays it’s usually just to do some old content I never experienced or finished. So this seemed like a match made in heaven. Nostalgia fueled escapism with the goal to relax in the months I’m arguably the busiest of the entire year. And food for thought as I grind my way to earning those nice looking but practically useless in-game achievements.

Playing games like WoW is very contradictory to me. On the one hand I need some mindless relaxation where my mind is completely off the other stuff that occupies my agenda. Yet it also feels like I’m actually not doing anything useful. This game especially is giving me that contradiction which sabotages (personal) progress for the sake of nostalgia. But is it correct to put such a negative staple on nostalgia? Is it not just a feeling? Or can it indeed be replicated and taken advantage of for good storytelling? Today I want to do a little investigation that hopefully gives some context to the situation.

What is nostalgia

Nostalgia seems to receive a bunch of negativity in a landscape flooded with remakes and remasters of all kinds. An easy argument called seems that companies want to make easy money1. But it’s not fair to put the word in such a negative context. The word nostalgia originates from the Greek words nóstos (return or homecoming) and álgos (pain). It is literally a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past2. Nostalgia seems to be heavily influenced by emotions and during my initial reading into the subject the theory suggests that it can be quite beneficial to give into the feeling. Nostalgia can provide relaxation; a way to forget about the state of the world. So to put this in perspective: a piece of media can provide relaxation through the feeling of nostalgia. And when you’re trying to escape from the hectic outside world; it might just be what the doctor ordered. A disconnect from the outside world and connection to something familiar.


Without going deep into the science; the statement that nostalgia is affected by connection seems valid. And connections are something I’m very interested in but still sometimes very bad at.  

– A realisation which makes me feel very human as I’m writing this –

If most nostalgia is based on connection, is it the expectation that a certain place/location (like your hometown) or film or piece of music provides a feeling or similar emotion every time? The answer should be no with an asterisk, as there is a clear mention of “home” or “safe place” meaning that we as a people pursue “the safe place” when we crave nostalgia. A safe place being predictable and shut-off from the outside world. I personally have this when starting some of the Miyazaki films, or listening to specific music like Space Lion from the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. Pieces of media that captivate me completely. So I have a personal connection which for (assumingly) a couple of reasons were created and gave the aforementioned piece a special place in my mind. For me it feels like sinking into a hot bath, riding a wave of disconnect from the world until the thing ultimately comes to a predicted end.


Being engrossed in something, even if for a limited time, is such a blessing in the current world. Every waking second things battle for our attention so a single focus when consuming media feels highly desired. Media producing companies recognised that the eyes on their products lessened due to the sheer quantity of available content3 and searched for a way to recapture lost eyeballs. And one answer was nostalgia in the form of remakes and remasters. Technology has developed massively in the last 20 years, so it seems natural that IP’s get revisited and products remade so they can be consumed at today’s technical standards.

As an added benefit to new faces looking at your product, a remake or remaster brings in theory also a lot of older, “familiar faces” back to said IP. Perhaps out of curiosity or out of a nostalgic desire as they remember what the old product meant for them. A shining example would be Disney, as the company has remade a lot of films from their own catalogue with varying success. 

The marketing of these remakes tend to lean heavy on nostalgia. They often target parents who take their children to watch the new Disney film because they watched the original during their childhood and retain good memories about that experience. Which is something the creators bank on to use for their benefit. And thus we get to replication of nostalgia, where a remake tries to capture lightning in a bottle twice for (nearly) the same product.


Remastering or remaking a product with today’s technical standards has been a common practice over the last 10 years. Rereleasing music and films with a higher quality is something we’ve seen for a longer period of time. But remastering games has been a challenge gaming companies have taken on as well now and it brought with it a different kind of remaster. Because video games have the potential to be drastically iterated on during the remastering process, depending on the goal of the project and the available resources to the company. With modern design philosophies, a game could be even better than it was during its initial release. 

But a product needs to handled with great care, else you could incidentally remove that one great (musical) moment or mission which gave the product such value for a lot of people4.

A happy memory

What nostalgia boils down to is, in my opinion, a happy memory. There was something in a specific product which made you remember it fondly. It’s also this memory, this connection that creators of a remake count on. They want to use that specific connection and memory to make you consume a remake5.

While it’s easier to play with a person’s memory when remaking something old; it’s very hard to do so when creating something new. A connection is needed. Luckily for creators, a connection can also be a familiar storyworld or character. Thus their appearance can contribute to creating new memories for the consumer, if executed correctly6.

I’m currently watching Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End and it excels in this playing to our collective memories. With just enough worldbuilding and useful flashbacks the viewer instantly feels familiar with the setting. It’s a standard fantasy world but the story has a twist. We learn quickly why things are important to the titular character. Even if the character Frieren seems like an emotionally distant elf we learn to see through her mannerisms and empathise with her as the show progresses. And create new memories along the way.


Nostalgia probably isn’t a solution to our collective issues; but it can be a profound bandage to forget about our troubles. Just a bit of relaxation and a disconnect from the hectic outside world. A moment to re-energize.

While I think we humans need to take more time away from all the outside buzz, it’s not that products layered with nostalgia are by default our enemy. They can be a useful commodity that we need to use on a timely basis to reconnect with a piece of ourselves. Which can be your love for adventures or simply watch as a group of characters solve (difficult) problems. Whatever it is, never forget you need time for yourself. Be it playing video games; watching a film or series; reading a book or something else entirely. Nostalgia can be a powerful tool to assist you to build up the mental fortitude you need to survive the next week. Just remember that nostalgia baiting is a practice used by companies. The past has gone and there’s no time like the present. Which means there’s always the choice to do something else with the time you have available right now.


  1. I want to add this is complete conjecture from my side.
  2. Source: Cambridge dictionary
  3. This is again conjecture from my side
  4. Examples of a good remaster are the Final Fantasy VII games and the poorly received Warcraft 3 remaster.
  5. Example of the Mulan trailer, which is filled with nostalgia inducing elements
  6. I mentioned this in my writing on the Cowboy Bebop live adaptation. The Rings of Power seems to suffer from this as well. A great storyworld which people have fond memories of, but a poor execution.


  1. On nostalgia: Wikipedia; Forbes nostalgia trend; Rocketmill on The power of nostalgia
  2. Nostalgia marketing: on nostalgia branding & BBC on nostalgia marketing & Nostalgia baiting (on
  3. Other research: GWI consumer research; APA PsycNet report
  4. Intentionally [Blank] podcast: Why are we nostalgic
  5. A list of Disney live adaptations and live acttion remakes
  6. The Disney renaissance explained (Wikipedia)
  7. My blog on The problem with adaptations
  8. On video game remasters: & explanation by DX on Youtube

The timelessness of Batman: The Animated Series

How often do you find that a work of animation holds up well almost 30 years after release? And not just through rose-coloured glasses. A show with quality animation, great characters and awesome voice acting bringing it all to life. A show which is timeless. Through the stories it tells and the themes these stories communicate.

 I’d wager that if we put our collective minds together we can count a few shows who still receive recognition. My pick is definitely Batman: The Animated Series (BTAS). While its initial broadcast was around 1992, it still find it a remarkable series. To start: It introduced me to superheroes and darker storytelling when I was young. Growing up in the early nineties I was exposed to a different era of animation. Anime had not made its way to my television screen and Disney was kind of the only household name. At least in my memory. I know there was animation on Cartoon Network, but either we didn’t have it on tv or my parents managed to hide it very well for me. Think of a situation where you only get to watch the “kid-friendly” cartoons. Those that are pretty merry and gentle for the maturing soul. So when you are exposed to the dark and gritty world of BTAS, it sticks. It makes an impression. But why? Why do I remember this show specifically? Even after all these years.

Empatic stories

While rewatching the show, the thing that strikes me about the characters in the episodes is that they are real characters. You can find similar people on our streets. A man who tragically lost his parents when he was young; an academic who is wronged or misjudged by his peers; or an ecologist who has rather extreme methods to reach their goal. Fortunately for us, in our reality, people don’t don masks, capes and spandex to go out and about during the night to make people suffer. But we understand their background and their reasoning for doing this. BTAS communicates clearly why people are doing what they’re doing. And does it without making concessions or by talking down to the intended audience. Something I appreciate a lot since I know people are a lot smarter than some media seem to think. 

BTAS lets us think for ourselves. Show the nuts and bolts of a character so the viewer empathises. Then, by using design and animation, create a fun story.

Flowing animation and design

The show has a very distinct look1. Batman’s iconic design of the ears sticking out from the dark background and the white eyes beaming at you. It is not realistic, but it is iconic. The show heavily relies on its iconic designs. The viewer instantly recognises Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Joker, Penguin, Harley Quinn and Catwoman. This is a strength of the medium: showing the core of the characters by simplifying the design. Simplicity is what also allows for a flowing animation style, as seen in the round lines of the characters. Which results in the series holding up relatively well as the medium changes over time.

Another place where this simplicity is very visible is in the way the show uses details. I absolutely love that shot in the opening of the batmobile. It’s so sophisticated in its simple design. Only the necessary details where you expect them to see, namely in the front of the picture. The elements in the back are, in this case, blurred because of the implied speed of the vehicle.

This technique is also used when portraying key locations for instant recognition. Below is an image of the Arkham Asylum. There is a recognition in 2-3 seconds through the framing and composition to let the viewer know where the scene takes place and the Noir Neo-Gothic Futuristic design of the world immediately immerses you in it.

This Dark Deco design transforms Gotham City from a location into a character. A dark place, where hope still glimmers in the night through the actions of our beloved caped crusader. And where the music elevates the city takes the viewer firmly by the hand to immerse them during the journey. One that each time starts with a superb opening.

Orchestral music

The opening for BTAS is iconic. And the music is a big contribution to that. Even if you have not watched the show in twenty years I think you will remember the intro. I love that this show has orchestral music. Shirley Walker’s score based on Danny Elfman’s theme of the Burton movies is certainly the powerhouse behind the curtains. For me, a good soundtrack is not noticeable when you aren’t paying attention while watching, yet it amplifies the viewing experience. I have only listened to parts of the soundtrack2 but I am paying attention and enjoying it during the episodes. 

This also makes me appreciate the music more, especially when the music starts after a period of silence. It is an instant gratification that contributes in a big way to the pleasure of watching the show.


Batman: The Animated Series stuck with me for multiple reasons. Realistic, emphatic stories; flowing animation and design; and a stellar soundtrack. In hindsight, I am not surprised this show had such an impact on my younger self. The use of the iconic designs is easy to understand and proven to be a foundation for my love of clear, and simple communication. Second: The great atmosphere manifested in a world drenched in darkness and balanced with music and light humour showed that there is light in the darkest of moments. And finally, the stories this show managed to tell. A 90 minute film packaged in a 22 minute episode3.

It is safe to say that Batman: The Animated Series managed to influence my younger self a lot. And I’m glad the series doesn’t disappoint 30 years after I (assumingly) watched it for the first time. It is a foundational series that I will love, revere and scrutinise for the rest of my life, like any timeless classic should be.


  1. See the making of on Youtube: The Story of Batman The Animated Series: Heart of Batman
  2. Spotify links Albums. Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3; Volume 4; Volume 5; Volume 6.
  3. The episode I am the Night is an excellent example of this

New Years Dive 2024

Welcome to 2024. First off: all the best for the new year. 

The January blog is my traditional New Years Dive blog. Due to personal circumstances I am only posting this now. Apologies for the delay if you were waiting. If you’re looking for a media analysis, please keep an eye on my home page. There will be an announcement there when I plan to publish a new blog.

If you’re not familiar with my New Years Dive, it’s the moment when I reflect on the previous year and look towards the new year with the help of my Year Theme. To better explain the concept of a Year Theme I created this page to help you better understand what a Year Theme is and how it can help you. In short:

A Year Theme is one word or a short sentence which denotes your goals of the year. For me, it is a tradition that I’ve implemented to make the best of said new year. It provides structure and empowers to make decisions which improve your life. It is important that a theme is positively formulated, so it helps to create a better situation in a specific area of your life. In other words, it should imply personal growth.

Read more

2023 review: Gardening

Last year I set myself the goal to work in my personal garden. I wanted to analyse what I was doing and why. The goal was to remove things that didn’t work and have more time to improve the things I was doing. In short: increase focus by spending quality time evaluating my behaviour.

Looking back, 2023 was not about spending more time writing my own stuff. As with the years before, I wasn’t able to spend the time I wanted on my book and the short stories I had in my backlog. I know that I should’ve tended to these flowers, but they are already their own thing. Thus they needed less attention. Instead, my time was used by A: preparation for my vacation1 and B: writing a few pieces for a Dutch website. The first was necessary. The second one didn’t work out. Some seeds don’t bloom and that’s ok. Looking back, writing for another website is not completely in line with the long-term goals I have. Though it had the positive effect that it exposed the workload I put on myself at the time.

Positives of 2023:

  1. Because of the experience I had with writing for the other website, I decided to stop pushing myself for a blog each month. I simply lack the time and prefer to spend it on projects that are more fun to complete. 
  2. This decision also allowed me to both limit and enjoy my media consumption more. I can be even more precise about what I write and when.
  3. During my vacation I experienced my love of connecting with people over certain topics. It was a nice experience, and I would love to have more of these “heart connections” in the future.

2024: New opportunities

The start of the new year didn’t go as I expected. I only recently finished the photo book of my vacation, and there were some other things that required my attention in December which pushed back defining a Year Theme.‌ Formulating a Year Theme takes time and I needed a moment to breathe and to organise my thoughts on this topic. Something illustrated best by the following quote:

Sometimes you just need to focus on the present, take a deep breath and just be. Sometimes things can get so complicated that our mind can’t quite sort them out alone. But when you slow down and let yourself breathe, your spirit and your body can catch up with your mind and help out.
To know something truly and deeply you must know it with your head, hand and heart. Mind, body and spirit.

Queen Sarai – The Dragon Prince season 2 episode 9: Breathe

So, now we are here. My goal this year is that I want 2024 to be a year where my personal interests and wishes are more present. For myself and others. So I can grow and other people know which direction I want to grow. Thus my Year Theme of 2024 is Proclamation.

Explaining the Theme

A proclamation is “an official declaration issued by a person of authority to make certain announcements known2.

For me, this is a re-establishment of who I want to be as a person and what I want to do professionally. Since I notice that there is still a discrepancy between my Future and Current Self (as it should be), I want to take steps towards it. Steps that make it clear whom I want my Future Self to be.

I want this to result in: 

  1. Utilising my strengths at work more. My current job has me doing many different things within the confines of the job description. There is however a discrepancy between what I’m currently doing and what is possible. 
  2. Finished products which showcase my capabilities as a writer and worldbuilder.
  3. A personal coat of arms or images I can put on my carnaval jacket. It’s the time of the year and I really like the idea of visual representation.

To conclude

With a renewed focus on myself I want to spend more time doing things that give me energy instead of taking it away. With this Theme, I also want the world to see what I can do with the correct focus. Each day gives us an exciting possibility to continue growth as a person. And this year, I’m focusing on the work area of my life. Let’s make the most out of it!


1. See my December 2023 blog

2. Definitions of a proclamation: Dictionary and Wiki (since that gives a more clear explanation of it.
How to write an official proclamation.

On dreams and bucket lists

As we approach the end of the year I would like to take a moment to talk about the importance of having dreams and keeping a bucket list. I spent the largest part of November travelling New Zealand; and as you perhaps read the notification on my homepage; this was a bucket list destination. Ever since I saw The Lord of the Rings trilogy, I’ve wanted to visit this country with green pastures, dense forests and wild mountain ranges.

Epic vacation 

I very much enjoyed my vacation. The weather was brilliant and the group1 was very nice as well. Outside of the fact that New Zealand is a beautiful country. Because of the aforementioned reasons, I have absolutely no regrets about spending a large sum of money to enjoy my stay there. It is not cheap to fly from Europe to New Zealand and stay for 22 days, so I saved enough money to not have to look at my bank account. Whilst I did not spend it without caution, I certainly lived at a higher spending standard. Looking back, this vacation has taken a somewhat epic proportion. I have many stories about many different topics which I can share with anyone who asks; I made 2680 pictures with my camera and kept a personal diary which counts 100 pages!

Over the coming weeks I’ll work on my photo book, one of the last milestones of this “project”. I know it will not be cheap, but it will be a source of fond memories and inspiration for as long as I live.

The importance of dreams

So, why am I sharing this? 

It’s not just because I’m still riding the high of the experience. As I mentioned before, visiting New Zealand was a bucket list item. Something I wanted to do for a very long time. And it’s given me so much joy and fulfilment that it is evidence that you need to act upon your dreams. I realise that I’m very lucky that I can financially do this. Not everyone can fulfil a wish so expensive. And I’m not here to encourage you to break the bank.

I’m here to tell you that if you have the possibility to scratch one thing off your bucket list, do it! Don’t be afraid. Things can only go differently than you imagined. I never imagined to meet such wonderful people; have deep, meaningful conversations and be seasick whilst trying to find a whale. You win and you lose in life. Life is hard. But it does not mean that you should deny your creativity or your wanderlust. Know your goal and break it down into small steps. Make the first step an easy one. Take it from me: My novel has developed over the last five years from the desire to write a book into a 73.000 word draft. Even when it’s not done, I know I learned so much over the course of the project. Skills I can implement in my working life and in my next (writing) projects. The dream was the catalyst; the process brought value.


Whatever your dream is, I hope you can execute the first, small step. That is what’s important. To use an advertising slogan: Just Do It!

Be open to learn and adapt. It will give you insight into yourself. To learn about what you like and don’t like, is to grow as a person. 

As you experience growth, your dream will develop as well. My writing dreams are still there. It’s just that my short-term execution will change once my novel is done. This is an example of something I learned: I simply lack the time to keep the proper attention span on such a large project. Or that’s what I think of it now. It may change again, depending on the situation.

These kind of insights are part of being human; and I wish everyone can experience positive growth and fulfilment in their life.

Happy holidays and stay safe!


1. Of the group I knew no one beforehand. I only saw a list of names but is was a delight to meet these people and have the experience of this shared journey.

Miyazaki and managing expectations

With the release of his latest film, Hayao Miyazaki again increased his legacy in the world of animation. I have a deep respect for Miyazaki. He is a man who has spent most of his life honing his craft with great success. And while there is the ongoing joke of Miyazaki retiring, I simply acknowledge the man is managing expectations. Not just for us, but also for himself.

The Boy and the Heron

The trailer for The Boy and the Heron or How do you Live caught me by surprise. I was aware that Miyazaki was working on something; but since there’s always a big announcement for a new film, I just assumed that there would be teasers and trailers months before release. While I was very wrong; I could not be more delighted. I watched the trailer on release day and it just oozes Ghibli. It looks beautiful, and the minimalist approach of the 1 minute trailer only adds to the mystery surrounding this film.

My expectations

The film is currently making its way to theaters around the world and for a change I’m trying not to spoil myself. Just so I can form my opinion when it eventually hits a nearby Dutch movie theater1. Like I said earlier: I have a deep respect for the creator Miyazaki and his work. He is the example of a person who has a profession that he loves and uses it with great effect to tell his stories. To that end, I want to comment on two images from the trailer that have that familiar Miyazaki feel to it and make me thrilled to see it.

The dark corridor:

A dark corridor lined with mysterious lights that illuminate the path. This reminds me of Spirited Away and Laputa (Castle in the Sky). It is the unknown and supernatural element we see so very often in Miyazaki films. I find the thought that nature will take over once we humans stop to manage a place really interesting. It also segways into the second image.

Fire spirit:

A flaming spirit next to a human. Like Howl’s Moving Castle or Ponyo, the spirits are among us. While in real life they don’t seem to have the power to manifest like in films; Miyazaki asks us to think about nature and respect it. Which is in line with his other works.

Both these images are, like I mentioned before, recognisable for people who’ve seen his other works. They are why I return to his work periodically. Not just because of nostalgia for the film or creative inspiration. But because they all refer to the greater world. One that is connected and where we are not alone. That feeling is the expectation I have when watching a Miyazaki movie. The feeling that has people revere his work and will outlast the creator when he eventually decides to retire.

Retirement (plan)

Miyazaki has been talking about retirement for about 15-20 years now. Which is not odd, considering he currently is 82 years old. The admirable passion he has for his craft is likely the driving force of his continued productivity, yet the question is how his age is impacting production. I cannot imagine how it must be as an 80+ year old creative to add another incredible film to your revered filmography. Even less so to think about a new project. Which raises the question about how physically and mentally fit Miyazaki is. 

I hope he can keep enjoying his (semi-) retirement for another few years since another seven-year production will be hard to complete. I’ve seen and heard of people who just “grow old” at a certain age. While for some it starts when they hit the age of 60, others are blessed because “deterioration” starts much, much later. There will come a time when a person just has to slow down because their body cannot work at the same pace as before. And since he’s 82, I’m not sure how age is impacting his work. I do not know his plans but I will not blame Miyazaki if he retires completely. On the other hand, I’m quite intrigued to see another Miyazaki film after this one. If he likes it or not, the world needs his stories. Perhaps now more than ever.


  1. It’s currently being shown in Amsterdam, but I simply lack the time to travel there to see it.

Dreaming and working towards a better future

“Follow your dreams” is something we all heard many times before. A simple catchphrase, yet a very general and basic life advice. To a certain extent, it is true. What we dream of is doing something that makes us happy and content. But in many cases, our dream is so general or so far away from our current life that it becomes a condition for happiness. “If I only can do X, I’ll be happy”

Which results in people only dreaming and not taking actual steps to get closer to their goal. Lofty goals are hard to reach because they are either far away; or taking a first step is difficult because you don’t know where to begin. Not taking the element of luck into account or more importantly: working hard to get closer to the desired goal. In this context, you are the underdog. No one expects you to succeed, let alone make any decent progress towards your dream. But it is not impossible. Let me tell you about a group of people that made history. Let’s talk about the Korean film Dream.

Underdog stories

Dream is an underdog story. While we might associate an underdog story with sports films like Cool Runnings and Rocky; there are other well-known films like Die Hard and Shawshank Redemption which have underdog protagonists. Underdog stories are not limited to sports; yet sports provide an easy framework for an underdog story. This is, in my opinion, part of the reason why people love them. As a viewer, I want to root for the underdog. They have to beat the antagonist against all odds in a specific situation bound by a specific ruleset.

In the case of Dream we follow the South-Korean Homeless football team on their way to their first Homeless World Cup. Dream is a recreation of the real-life events of 2010. The film states that the team’s participation had a great influence on the status of homeless people in South-Korea. Because this is an adaptation of the original story, it’s even more important to talk about the dreams that are related to these underdog stories. 

In general terms: If the protagonist doesn’t have a dream or wish that the viewer can relate to, it’s hard to be captivated by the story. Dream’s protagonists have goals but ‌not all are as relatable. The most endearing of the bunch is the player (Hyo-Bong) who wants to show that he can take care of himself so his ex-wife allows him to spend time with his daughter. And the spare moments we see him spent with his daughter are cute and well portrayed. It certainly is a lot more relatable than the football star (Hong-Dae) who’s fallen from grace and wants to regain favor from the public. Especially since he is the one that the film opens on and closes with. While his arrogance slowly disappears when he warms to the team; the resolution to his story arc is in my opinion sub-par to the rest and does not contribute much to the story as a whole. As such, it leaves a strange aftertaste. I would’ve ended his arc in a different way1.


The second part of a great underdog story is opposition. Rocky needs to defeat Apollo Creed in order to reach his goal. Creed is an adversary so formidable that it is very unlikely that Rocky has a chance despite intensive training. This is also where the underdog story can shine. By showing glimmers of hope through the looming shadow of defeat. Can the protagonist achieve something which makes them proud?

In my opinion, Dream falls a little flat in completely setting the stage for the World Cup. Due to the limited runtime, the story is rushed in some places. Rushed because there are too many players of note on the board. There is the coach, the documentary maker, the team manager and all of the players. They all have backstories which are in different ways important, yet cannot fully be explored due to time constraints. What we see is heartwarming, but I’m not fully invested. I don’t feel like the stakes are high enough. Not until that one match against Germany. Luckily the comedy and drama working towards the World Cup are fun to watch; but I think in films like these a large cast like this one is detrimental to the depth of the characters and how well the story is handled.

Adaptation and tenacity

The last important part of underdog stories is the adaptability en tenacity of the underdog. More often than not underdogs have exotic backgrounds which gives them an edge. In the case of Dream, the players are very tenacious. Even when the opponents are better in football on every level, the South-Koreans do not quit. When they stumble or fall, they get back on their feet. This has become part of their nature due to the social status they hold in their home country. Even when the majority of society see them as a different kind of people they believe in themselves. A few people worked very hard to get them to the World Cup and the players all have things to fight for. It’s this tenacity that gives them an edge in the games; and it’s this tenacity which makes the game against Germany the most exciting part of the film.

Follow your dream

Having a dream is a good thing. Especially when your dream makes the lives of  other people better. The biggest hero of Dream is in my opinion the Big Issue manager, whom we rarely see on camera. He made sure the team could go to the World Cup and because of his (initial) actions, the social status of homeless people changed in South-Korea. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have such an impact? 

So whatever your dream is; work towards it. Break it down in smaller steps and bring it to life with the tenacity of an underdog. 


  1. My preferred ending (1rst draft): After the cut that the team received the award, cut to the waiting hall of the media team. Play out that scene as it currently is in the film and jump to the title screen: Dream!
    Next: Show the sweet goodbyes of the father and daughter, followed by the passing daughter and granddaughter who visit the old man in his new house. This can be done by having the girl pass by in the background to ease the viewer to the new scene.
    Then show the text on how the team’s achievement impacted the status of homeless people in the country.
    After this: Cut to Hong-Dae who walking into the football stadium for training. He is on the phone with the Big Issue manager. They are talking about him staying on as coach for the next Homeless World Cup. There is only one condition: he can only give shirts to Beom-Soo’s girlfriend through him. Hong-Dae says he’ll think about it. He ends the call and we quickly cut to Beom-Soo eating with his girlfriend. She shares her food and calls him football player.
    Cut back to Hong-Dae who smirks and enters the dressing room where people start to cheer for him.

Sources and further reading

Underdog films on IMBD.

Best underdog films according to screenrant

Underdogs explained on Wikipedia and TV Tropes

On the film Dream:

MyDramaList page

Article explaining the background of the film

Homeless World Cup:

South Korea Page;

2010 tournament page

corresponding news article

The cause and effect of Giri/Haji

Have you ever dropped a stone in a pond and watched the tiny waves circle out until they crash at the edge? This is the ripple effect. Where one action over time has such a large impact on an entire community that the origin cannot be denied. Like our stone, which sank to the bottom, we cannot undo the initial action. But we can take action to prevent a repeating situation in the future. Since the most important metric is time, it sometimes is hard to find the root cause of the effects you are witnessing or experiencing.

When you’re negatively impacted by the effects, you are more likely to take a counter action versus the situation where the effects on your life are negligible. Today I’m looking at the British-Japanese co-production Giri/Haji. Where one man’s action leads to the disruption of multiple families and even the power balance of an entire city. 


In Giri/Haji we follow Tokyo police detective Kenzo Mori. He is sent to London to investigate the murder of a Yakuza member. The man in London was murdered with the sword of the biggest Yakuza boss of Tokyo, yet not by his hand or instruction. The sword was stolen from boss Fukuhara by Kenzo’s brother, Yuto. Yuto was part of Fukuhara’s gang. Fukuhara and Kenzo’s superior suspect that Yuto is the killer but there is one problem: Everybody thinks Yuto is dead…

Left without choice, Kenzo travels to London to search for his brother. He leaves his father, whose health is failing, and his disobedient daughter in the care of his wife. His goal is to find Yuto and prevent a war between the Yakuza families. The question is if Kenzo can fulfill his duty or if the shame of past events will catch up to him.

Spoilers ahead!

Ticking clocks

In the initial episodes of Giri/Haji we get the urgency of the matter. If Kenzo cannot resolve the situation soon there will be a Yakuza war in Tokyo. One that will lead to many victims, including Kenzo’s own family. The show plays with multiple story/plotlines to great effect. Especially in the initial episodes there is this feeling of a ticking clock which impacts the decisions that Kenzo makes. He is on edge because of the situation in his family and the fact that his brother still may be alive.

Thus Kenzo makes some choices that are not very smart. Yet they are understandable for a man in his situation. Alone in an unknown city and another culture. Where you cannot rely on things that you know. And where, over time, old shameful memories come back. 


I like how the show plays with consequences. Like Fukuhara says: “Someone threw a stone in a pond a long way away, and we’re only just feeling the ripples.”

While Fukuhara refers to the killing of the Yakuza in London with his stolen sword, there is a much earlier decision which set all this in motion. It is arguably Yuto’s decision to become a Yakuza, but given his nature that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. I’m referring to the one very clear moment in Yuto’s storyline that set him on this path. Namely, the moment when Jiro commands Yuto to pick up Fukuhara’s daughter, Eiko. Jiro thinks he’s too important to be a mere bodyguard and chauffeur, while Yuto wants to prove himself by fulfilling this responsible task. The eager and charming Yuto is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air for Eiko and they fall in love. 

This single moment has such an impact on the other characters that it cannot be denied. While it initially doesn’t seem like much, it causes a disruption with all the other characters. In order to spend more time with Eiko Yuot becomes more invested in the Fukuhara Yakuza family. Which as a consequence marks him as the black sheep of the Mori family.

On the other side there is boss Fukuhara, who does not want his daughter to marry a Yakuza. His decision to remove Yuto from the picture leads to a dissatisfied daughter; a stolen family heirloom (the sword); and eventually his death and the fall of his family.

“Every tiny split second decision we make can potentially have a profound effect on everyone around us.” 

Sarah Weitzmann

Finding family

In Giri/Haji there is a straight followup between events which all relate to the themes of family and responsibility or duty to that family. There are many groups of people that call themselves a family. Some related by blood, others by a common cause. And there are families which are formed by a group of lonely people. 

Giri/Haji shows a clear distinction between types of family. While groups like the Yakuza are very good at adding lone wolves to their ranks, they always demand something in return. Something which is usually not in accordance with the law. 

A family related by blood can be comforting and suffocating at the same time. At some point two people found each other and started one. But living together and placing expectations on another can be suffocating. 

As an example I would give Taki, who doesn’t feel at home in Tokyo. She feels freed of the expectations placed upon her when she’s in a different country and culture on the other side of the planet. At home, she’s the daughter of a police detective. In London, she’s just a girl. A girl who, like her father, connects with a bunch of people during her stay. A connection of lonely people who all share a need of love, of family. One that has expectations, yet not so much that they become suffocating. A family that doesn’t demand any outrageous action from your part. In this family, you are allowed to make mistakes. You are after all a good person who did a bad thing. You only need to be honest and carry the consequences of your actions. As long as you do, this family will care for you.

Disappointing Power Ranger nostalgia

Nostalgia is difficult to understand. It frequently brings back films or series in our collective memory. For good or bad, they are everywhere. Partly because we live in a period where a lot is possible by technological developments. So companies see value in doing remakes. It is a chance to bring back a beloved franchise into our collective memory and rekindle the passion for the old one. Not to mention the potential to earn a decent income on the new product and related merchandise. It’s no wonder we live in a time of remakes. Remakes seek our feeling of nostalgia. We fondly remember that amazing Lion King opening and long to see it again. Only this time we bring our kids to the theater so that they hopefully have the same experience.

Another way to invoke nostalgia is to celebrate an anniversary. Like the 25th anniversary of Friends or today’s subject: 30 years of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

GoGo Power Rangers!

I grew up watching the first season of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR). The colorful suits, zords, monsters and explosions really spoke to my imagination. So I really didn’t care that the show was an adaptation of the Japanese Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger and that some things looked strange. Like many other kids I was sold on the idea that if you were a teenager with attitude; you could become a Power Ranger. An idea that was reinforced for the better part of of the ten years1 that I initially watched the series.

I cannot really remember why I stopped watching in the early 2000s. Most likely because of school and I couldn’t see it on tv. Since then I sometimes watched a bit when I encountered an episode; only to find that I’ve outgrown the series. To see now that a lot of the Power Ranger series are rated mediocre at best does not surprise, even though that hasn’t stopped the franchise from doing the same trick over and over again. 

As a returning viewer I was skeptical when the initial trailer dropped. It seemed really strange that the Rangers could use all their powers after the destruction at the end of MMPR2.

Aiai, there are issues with this one

The issue with the connected Power Rangers world is that it looks like they’re only sometimes trying to tie it together. Which causes worldbuilding issues. The concept for the Forever Red episode is nice, but raises the question about the status of some powers. Based on the ending of a series, a viewer can assume the ranger powers were destroyed and their connection to the Morphin Grid lost. If you’re a Power Ranger enthusiast you might know everything about it. But if you’re returning now to Once & Always after an absence for some 25 years, you’ll need a lot of your suspension of disbelief to make it work in your head. 

I think that as an anniversary show Once & Always (O&A) should be a celebration, or an homage to the original show. With a fun story and perhaps some nice cameos. You don’t need the original cast to act in their suits. They aren’t superheroes who can still fight buff aliens in their fifties. They are humans whom are enhanced by some mystical power (suits). Wouldn’t it be easy to make an extended episode about passing the torch or reminiscing on the old adventures? With the message that you can outgrow something, yet it will always be a part of you. 

Unfortunately, this is not what we got. To be short: the plot has heart, the dialogue and action are mediocre and the CGI looks like it was stolen from a 21 years old fan project. I jest a little, but the CGI is easily the worst part. Luckily it’s also the shortest.

Target audience

This leads me neatly to the big question I have regarding O&A: Whom is this for? Is it for returning viewers of the original show? Like I said before, they need to suspend a lot of disbelief. Turn off the thinking mind to enjoy the easter eggs and callbacks. With 3 of the original cast members missing, I’m not sure what’s there for them besides seeing Billy, Zack Rocky and Kat in action. 

Or is O&A for die-hard fans of the Power Rangers series? Maybe. There is something to say for the tried and true format of defeating a villain. But as an extended episode O&A drags on unnecessarily.

In regards to new viewers: I’m not expecting them to come in without someone who watched the original. I don’t consider it a good entry to the franchise. New viewers are better off watching the original on the official Youtube channel.

It feels like O&A is a rushed show, created with the same mindset as the original, yet actually being a creative original work. Which doesn’t help the show, but probably also doesn’t hinder it either. Most people who, like myself, were mildly interested watched it regardless of what people say about it on the internet. All the power to people who liked it, but I found myself wanting more.

How to correctly do Sentai nostalgia

If we take a step back from O&A and list the things that would, on paper, make this a great 30th anniversary I would say we need the following:

  1. A contemporary story;
  2. with the original cast and cameos of replacement rangers;
  3. easter eggs;
  4. grounded themes;
  5. a look at the future.

Because MMPR is a sentai adaptation it’s easy to look towards Japan to find out how they did this in the past. And there is that one season which celebrated being the 35th Super Sentai in a most successful way: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger3.

Gokaiger did a number of things pretty good. First of: each character had a clear backstory and goals. Then there was the team goal. It which united them and made them a force to be reckoned with. That goal was to collect the ranger keys which would lead them to “The Greatest Treasure in the Universe”. Each (set of) Ranger Keys of the previous 34 Super Sentai Teams would grant the ability to morph into the chosen sentai/ranger to fight the enemy. 

Gokaiger is obviously created for a contemporary audience; the tributes to the original series are very present. Yet it is also aware that old fans might be watching, so it feels very mature in its writing. 

To provide structure, each episode does the following:
1. progress the main story of the fight against the enemy; 
2. provide background information on one of the main characters; 
3. have the team encounter a character of one of the previous teams 
4. Any combination of the above.

If option 3 happened, the themes of that specific Sentai Team would also be present in that episode. Which would result in the Gokaigers learning about that team before receiving the Ranger Keys and/or the Great Power of that team4.

To top this off the show has a fun ending credits which lists each Super Sentai show and what they’re about. And that ending is in my opinion the cherry on the cake. It makes me curious about shows that I haven’t seen before. The endings and the updated, full versions of it, made me watch episodes of some of the Older Sentai series on Youtube. That’s the goal. To get old and new eyes on the franchise. Which Gokaiger did very well.

What can we learn from this

If the big question is what we can learn from a successful nostalgia show like Gokaiger; then it would be (1) to treat your audience fair, (2) insert the correct themes and be smart about what you use as plot. (3) Let it be its own, contemporary thing. 

As research for this blog I read a lot of Power Rangers lore to have questions answered. Questions I had after watching the O&A special.  Because of that, I have ideas in my head. And I do not want that to be spend unnecessarily. So I’m taking a bold move to write a basic plot for my version of the 30th anniversary special. One which aims to do the things I mentioned earlier. I hope would’ve interesting enough to get all actors on board if we were in the same timeframe as when O&A was shot. 

I respect the actors’ choices to not participate in O&A but I can safely say that I missed them dearly. Not seeing them lessened the experience of watching the O&A special. I do not mean to discredit the other actors, but it is something that I believe O&A needed. Besides the fact that this positive spin gives me an extra layer of closure. Thank you for reading. May the Power Protect you!

Read my basic plot here

  1. The chronological list of the series.
  2. That’s how I remembered it ending. Powers destroyed so they sought new ones. I figured that there must’ve been some retconning and worldbuilding choices made to facilitate the starting point of this special. Things that I wasn’t aware of. That starting point wasn’t good. Assuming retcons certainly did not help either. I was confused. Watching the Once and Always special did not improve this, so I can’t imagine how it must be for someone who only watched MMPR until Zeo.
  3. Gokaiger ratings: IMDB: 8,6; Mydramalist: 8,4
  4. As mentioned, the subject theme of an episode can be a callback to one of the previous Super Sentai series. As an example: there is an episode about traffic safety which relates to carranger. The Great Power they receive is a Megazord addon the Gokaiger can summon.